Singapura Finance Home Loans

Singapura Finance Home Loans (April 2024)
(Product Review)

Updated April 15, 2024

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Product Review

Singapura Finance was launched in 1950 and has been in operation for over 5 decades. It is one of the most reliable financial service providers in Singapore. After its launch, Singapura Finance pioneered long-term mortgages and has developed various financial services for its customers.

The loans offered by this Singapore lender can cover 75% of your property’s value for 35 years. However, Singapura Finance has expensive interest rates that may discourage some borrowers. Borrowers should compare options carefully to understand

Singapura Finance designed a unique feature called monthly rest rate that allows interest to be calculated after monthly instalments. Thus, your average monthly interest will gradually reduce. Singapura Finance’s annual average interest rates are 2.08%- 2.30%. Therefore, its loans aren’t the most competitive when compared with other lenders. For instance, a long-term loan of 25 years could result in higher fees of approximately S$150,000 compare to other lenders. However, Singapura Finance offers a bridging loan that allows borrowers to make an initial deposit for their new home before receiving the funds from their previous home sale.

Singapura Finance Mortgage Fees

Several fees connect to Singapura loans. If your GIRO deposit is rejected for your monthly instalments, a service fee of S$50 will be required. In addition, a S$50- S$200 fee will be charged if the bank demands loan-related documents.

Singapura Finance HDB Home Loans

Singapura Finance HDB loans are higher than the loans of other service providers. A lock-in period of two years with an annual interest rate of 2.28% may not be convenient to the average borrower.

Bank 1st Year Interest Lock-in Period
No offerings at this time

Singapure Finance Private Property Home Loans

As earlier stated, Singapura has high-end annual interest rates of 2.28%, which also applies to their private home loans. Although they offer bridging loans with a mortgage duration of 35 years ( which is 5 years more than the standard duration), the lock-in period and costly interest rates may be discouraging to clients.

Bank 1st Year Interest Lock-in Period
No offerings at this time




  • Launch Application via the ROSHI Marketplace

    Once your application is live you will be able to review suitable loan options on your dashboard. One of our
    mortgage brokers will follow up with you to discuss the best available options and next steps.

  • Choose Suitable Mortgage Option

    After you’ve decided on a preferred mortgage option one of our mortgage brokers will help process your

  • Settle Fees & Charges

    Settle all fees (option fee, option exercise fee to the seller as well as the relevant buyer’s stamp duty fee in
    case you are purchasing a private property).

  • Appointment Date & Signing

    Attent your property purchase appointment date and sign all legal documents for the transfer of the property,
    paying all legal and valuation fees.


  • Longer Mortgage Duration

    Ideal for Individuals looking for loans with a 35-year duration.

  • Expensive Rates

    Inapplicable to borrowers interested in cheap mortgages

  • No Refinancing

    Unsuitable for Individuals interested in refinancing plans


Loan Features
  • High annual interest rates of 2.08%-2.25%
  • 35 years loan duration
  • Non-Singaporean citizens can acquire a loan with a local guarantor

